Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 90 Gateway Configuration Gateway Configuration Settings
Call Classification This parameter determines whether an incoming call that is using this
gateway is considered off the network (OffNet) or on the network
When the Call Classification field is configured as Use System Default,
the setting of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager clusterwide
service parameter, Call Classification, determines whether the gateway
is OnNet or OffNet.
This field provides an OnNet or OffNet alerting tone when the call is
OnNet or OffNet, respectively.
Media Resource Group List This list provides a prioritized grouping of media resource groups. An
application chooses the required media resource, such as a Music On
Hold server, among the available media resources according to the
priority order that a Media Resource Group List defines.
Packet Capture Mode Configure this field only when you need to troubleshoot encrypted
signaling information for the H.323 gateway. Configuring packet
capturing may cause call-processing interruptions. For more
information on this field, refer to the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Security Guide.
Packet Capture Duration Configure this field only when you need to troubleshoot encrypted
signaling information for the H.323 gateway. Configuring packet
capturing may cause call-processing interruptions. For more
information on this field, refer to the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Security Guide.
Location Use locations to implement call admission control (CAC) in a
centralized call-processing system. CAC enables you to regulate audio
quality and video availability by limiting the amount of bandwidth that
is available for audio and video calls over links between locations. The
location specifies the total bandwidth that is available for calls to and
from this location.
From the drop-down list box, choose the appropriate location for this
A location setting of Hub_None means that the locations feature does
not keep track of the bandwidth that this device consumes. A loc at ion
setting of Phantom specifies a location that enables successful CAC
across intercluster trunks that use H.323 protocol or SIP.
To configure a new location, use the System > L o c a ti o n menu option.
For more details about locations, see the “Location Configuration”
section on page 17-1. For an explanation of location-based CAC across
intercluster trunks, see “Location-Based Call Admission Control Over
Intercluster Trunk” in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
System Guide.
Table 90-2 H.323 Gateway Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description