Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
Browsing to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration
Because Cisco Unified Communications Manager is a software application, enhancing its capabilities in
production environments requires only upgrading software on the server platform, thereby avoiding
expensive hardware upgrade costs.
Distribution of Cisco Unified Communications Manager and all Cisco Unified IP Phones, gateways, and
applications across an IP network provides a distributed, virtual telephony network. This architecture
improves system availability and scalability. Call admission control ensures that v oice q uality of service
(QoS) is maintained across constricted WAN link and automatically diverts calls to alternate public
switched telephone network (PSTN) routes when WAN bandwidth is not available.
A web-browsable interface to the configuration database provides the capability for remote device and
system configuration. This interface also provides access to HTML-based online help for users and
Cisco Unified Communications Manager, designed to work like an appliance, refers to the following
Cisco Unified Communications Manager servers can get preinstalled with sof tware to ease customer
and partner deployment and automatically search for updates and notify administrators when key
security fixes and software upgrades are available for their system.This process comprises
Electronic Software Upgrade Notification.
You can upgrade Cisco Unified Communications Manager servers while they continue to process
calls, so upgrades take place with minimal downtime.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager supports the Asian and Middle Eastern markets by
providing support for Unicode on higher resolution phone displays.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager pro v ides Fault, Configuration, Accounting, P er fo rmance,
and Security (FCAPS).
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 1-11.
Browsing to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration
You access the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration program from a PC that is not
the web server or has Cisco Unified Communications Manager installed. No browser software exists on
the server. See the “Web Browsers” section on page 1-2 for more information on browsing to the server.
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 1-11.

Web Browsers

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration supports the following Microso ft Windows
operating system browsers:
Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 6
Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 7
Netscape 7.1