Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 41 Route Filter Configuration Route Filter Tag Descriptions
Route filter tag operators determine whether a call is filtered based on the existence, and sometimes the
contents, of the dialed-digit string that is associated with that tag. The operators EXISTS and
DOES-NOT-EXIST simply check for the existence of that part of the dialed-digit string. The operator
== matches the actual dialed digits with the specified value or pattern. Table 41-3 describes the operators
that can be used with route filter tags.
TRANSIT-NETWORK This four-digit value iden tif ies a long-di stance car rier.
Do not include the leading 101 carrier access code
prefix in the TRANSIT-NETWORK value. Refer to
TRANSIT-NETWORK-ESCAPE for more information.
TRANSIT-NETWORK-ESCAPE This three-digit value precedes the long-distance
carrier identifier. The value for this field sp ecifies 101.
Do not include the four-digit carrier identification code
in the TRANSIT-NETWORK-ESCAPE value. Refer to
TRANSIT-NETWORK for more information.
Table 41-2 Route Filter Tags (continued)
Tag Description
Tab le 41-3 Route Filter Operators
Operator Description
NOT-SELECTED Specifies do not filter calls based on the dialed-digit
string that is associated with this tag.
Note The presence or absence of the tag with which the
operator is associated does not prevent Cisco
Unified Communications Manager from routing
the call.
EXISTS Specifies filter calls when the dialed-digit string that is
associated with this tag is found.
Note Cisco Unified Communications Manager routes
or blocks the call only if the dialed-digit string
contains a sequence of digits that are associated
with the tag.
DOES-NOT-EXIST Specifies filter calls when the dialed-digit string that is
associated with this tag is not found.
Note Cisco Unified Communications Manager routes
or blocks the call only if the dialed-digit string
does not contain a sequence of digits that are
associated with the tag.
== Specifies filter calls when the dialed-digit string that is
associated with this tag matches the specified value.
Note Cisco Unified Communications Manager routes
or blocks the call only if the dialed-digit string
contains a sequence of digits that are associated
with the tag and within the numbering range that
is specified in the attached field.