Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 34 Autoregistration Configuration
Autoregistration Configuration Settings
Ending Directory Number Enter the last directory number to use for autoregistration of devices.
Specifying a range of directory numbers in the Starting Directory
Number and Ending Directory Number fields automatically enables
Setting the starting and ending directory numbers to the same value
disables autoregistration.
Partition Choose the partition to which autoregistered directory numbers belong.
If you are not using partitions, choose <None>.
You must choose a valid directory number range for autoregistration
before you can choose a partition and external phone number mask.
The partition field resets if you disable autoregistration.
If a large number of partitions exist, the Find button displays next to
the drop-down list box. Click the Find button to display the Find and
List Partitions window. In the Find partition where f ield , choose search
criteria and enter a partial partition name. In the list of partitions that
displays, click the desired partition name and click OK.
External Phone Number
Mask Specify the mask that is used to format caller ID information for
external (outbound) calls that are made from the autore gistered de vices.
The mask can contain up to 50 characters. Enter the literal digits that
you want to appear in the caller ID information and use Xs to represent
the directory number of the autoregistered device.
For example, if you specify a mask of 972813XXXX and enable t he
Use External Phone Number Mask option on the route pattern that is
used to make the external call, an external call from extension 1234
displays a caller ID number of 9728131234. If you specify a mask of
all literal digits (such as 9728135000) to represent a main attendant
number, that literal number becomes the caller ID that displays for an
external call from any autoregistered device.
Auto-registration Disabled
on this Cisco Unified
Communications Manager
Cisco Unified Communications Manager disables autoregistration by
default to prevent unauthorized connections to the network. When
autoregistration is disabled, you must configure the directory numbers
manually whenever you add new devices to your network.
• Uncheck the Auto-registration Disabled option to enable
autoregistration for this Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
• Check the Auto-registration Disabled option to disable
autoregistration for this Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
You can disable autoregistration by setting the Starting Directory
Number and Ending Directory Number to the same value.
If starting and ending directory numbers are specified wh en you disabl e
autoregistration by checking this option, Cisco Unified
Communications Manager sets the starting and ending directory
numbers to the same value.
The partition and external phone mask information fields also reset
when you disable autoregistration.
Table 34-1 Autoregistration Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Name Description