Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Configuration
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Configuration Settings
Cisco Unified
Communications Manager
Enter the name that you want to assign to this Cisco Unified
Communications Manager.
Description Enter a description of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
Auto-registration Information
Starting Directory Number Enter the first directory number to use for autoregistration of devices.
Ending Directory Number Enter the last directory number to use for autoregistration of devices.
Note Specifying a valid range of directory numbers in the Sta rti ng
Directory Number and Ending Directory Number fields
automatically enables autoregistration.
Setting the starting and ending directory numbers to the same
value disables autoregistration.
Partition If you are not using partitions, choose <None>.
If you are using partitions, choose the partition to which autoregistered
directory numbers belong from the drop-down list box.
Tip You must choose a range for autoregistration before you can
choose a partition, external phone number mask or voice
messaging box mask.
If more than 250 partitions exist, the ellipsis (...) button displays next
to the drop-down list box.
1. To display the Select Partition window, click the (...) button.
2. In the List items where Name contains field, enter a partial
partition name.
3. In the list of partitions that displays in the Select item to use box,
click the desired partition name.
4. Click OK.
Table 3-1 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description