Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Application Dial Rules ConfigurationThe following sections describe dial rules configuration:
• Application Dial Rule Configuration Settings, page 38-1
• Finding a Dial Rule, page 38-2
• Configuring Dial Rules, page 38-3
• Deleting a Dial Rule, page 38-4
• Reprioritizing a Dial Rule, page 38-4
• Related Topics, page 38-5
Application Dial Rule Configuration Settings
The administrator uses dial rules configuration to add and sort the priority of dialing rules. Dial rules for
applications such as Cisco Unified Communications Manager Assistant automatic ally strip nu mbe rs
from or add numbers to telephone numbers that a user dials. For example, the dial rules automatically
add the digit 9 in front of a 7-digit telephone number to pr ovide a cce ss to an out side line .
For example, in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Assistant, the assistant can perform a directory
search from the assistant console. The assistant can drag a nd drop t he di rec tory en try to the M y Cal ls
panel on the assistant console, which invokes a call to the number that is listed in the entry. The dial
rules apply to the number that is listed in the entry before the call gets made.
Table 38-1 describes the available settings in the Application Dial Rule Configuration window. For more
information about related procedures, see the “Related Topics” section on page 38-5.
Tab le 38-1 Application Dial Rule Configuration Settings
Field Description
Name Enter a name in the Name field. The name can contain up to 20
alphanumeric characters and can contain any combination of spaces,
periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscore characters (_). Ensure each
application dial rule name is unique.
Description Enter a description of the application dial rule in the Description field or
leave blank.