Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 100 IP Phone Services Configuration IP Phone Service Parameter Settings
IP Phone Service Parameter Settings
Add the phone service before you configure IP phone service param ete rs. R ef er to t he do cu ment ati on
for the individual IP phone service for specific information about whe the r the ser vic e use s pa ram ete rs,
how those parameters should be configured, and whether you should provide optional parameter
Tip If you remove an IP phone service parameter or ch an ge the p aram ete r na me of a pho ne serv ice f or a
phone service to which users are subscribed, be sure to click Update Subscriptions to update all
currently subscribed users with the changes. If you do not do so, users must resubscribe to the service
to rebuild the URL correctly.
When you subscribe devices to the IP phone service, an error results if you c lick Upda te Su bscri pti ons
more than once. When you update many phones, it can take some time for the changes to propagate to
all devices. Click Update Subscriptions only once and wait for this propagation to complete.
Table 100-2 describes the IP phone service parameter settings. For more information about related
procedures, see the “Related Topics” section on page 100-9.
Enable Select this check box to enable the service, or deselect the check box
to disable the service without deleting it.
Note You cannot delete default services. Use this field if a default
service exists, but you do not want to make it available for
Enterprise Subscriptions Select this check box to automatically provision the new servi ce to all
devices in the enterprise without requiring individual subscription. If
this option is selected, the service automatically gets provisioned and
does not get presented for user subscription.
Note Be aware that this check box is available for selection only
when the service is created. You cannot modify it.
Table 100-1 IP Phone Service Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description
Tab le 100-2 IP Phone Service Parameter Settings
Field Description
Service Parameter Information
Parameter Name Enter the exact query string parameter to use when you build t he
subscription URL; for example, symbol.
Parameter Display Name Enter a descriptiv e parameter name to displa y to the user in Cisco Unifi ed
CM User Options; for example, Ticker Symbol.
Default Value Enter the default value for the parameter. This value displays to the user
when a service is being subscribed to for the first time; for example,