Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 91 Cisco Unified IP Phone Configuration Phone Configuration Settings
Signaling Port This field applies only to H.323 devices. The value designates the H.225 signaling port that
this device uses.
Default value specifies 1720. Valid values range from 1 to 65535.
Video Capabilities
Enabled/disabled This check box turns video capabilities on and off.
Owner User ID From the drop-down list box, choose the user ID of the assigned phone user. The user ID gets
recorded in the call detail record (CDR) for all calls made from this device.
Note Do not configure this field if you are using extension mobility. Extension mobility
does not support device owners.
Mobility User ID
(Dual-mode phones only)
From the drop-down list box, choose the user ID of the person to whom this dual-mode phone
is assigned.
Note The Mobility User ID configuration gets used for the Mobile C onn ect and M obile
Voice Access features for dual-mode phones.
Note The Owner User ID and Mobility User ID can differ.
Phone Personalization The Phone Personalization setting allows you to enable a Cisco Unified IP Phone, so it works
with Phone Designer, a Cisco Unified Communications widget that allows a phone user to
customize the wallpaper and ring tones on the phone. From the Phone Personalization
drop-down list box, choose one of the following options:
Disabled-The user cannot customize the Cisco Unified IP Phone by using Phone
Enabled-The user can use Phone Designer to customize the phone.
Default-The phone uses the configuration from the Phone Personalization enterpr ise
parameter if you choose Default in both the Phone Configuration and Common Phone
Profile Configuration windows. If you choose Default in the Common Phone Profile
Configuration window but not in the Phone Configuration window, the phone uses the
configuration that you specify in the Phone Configuration window.
You must install and configure Phone Designer, so the phone user can customize the phone.
Before you install and configure Phone Designer, identify which Cisco Unified IP Phone
models work with Phone Designer, as described in the Phone Designer d oc ument at ion. For
more information on Phone Designer, refer to the Phone Designer documentation.
Services Provisioning From the drop-down list box, choose whe the r th e pho ne w ill use the ser vi ces t hat ar e
provisioned in the phone configuration file (Internal), services received from an external URL
(External URL), or both.
The default specifies Internal. Select External URL if you are using an external provisioning
server or Both if are using an external server but also want to allow users to subscribe to
services in Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
Primary Phone Choose the physical phone that will be associated with the application, such as IP
communicator or Cisco Unified Personal Communicator. When you choose a primary phone,
the application consumes fewer device license units and is considered an “adjunct” license ( to
the primary phone). See “Licensing” in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System
Table 91-1 Phone Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description