Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 50 Time Period Configuration
Time Period Configuration Settings
Tab le 50-1 Time Period Configuration Settings
Field Description
Time Period Information
Name Enter a name in the Time Period Name field. The name can comprise up
to 50 alphanumeric characters and can contain any combination of
spaces, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscore characters (_ ). E nsur e
each time period name is unique to the plan.
Note Use concise and descriptive names for your time periods. The
hours_or_days format usually provides a sufficient level of detail
and is short enough to enable you to quickly and easily identify a
time period. For example, office_M_to_F identifies a time period
for the business hours of an office from Monday to Friday.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager provides the All the time time
period. This special, system time period includes all hours, is published
to end users, and cannot be deleted; this time period can be c opie d.
Description Enter a description for this time period.
Time Of Day S tart From the drop-down list box, choose the time when this time period
starts. The available listed start times comprise 15-minute intervals
throughout a 24-hour day.
The default value is No Office Hours.
Note To start a time period at midnight, choose the 00:00 value.
Time of Day End From the drop-down list box, choose the time when this time period ends.
The available listed end times comprise 15-minute intervals throughout a
24-hour day.
The default value is No Office Hours.
Note You must choose an End Time that is later than the Start Time
that you chose.
Note To end a time period at midnight, choose the 24:00 value.