Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 91 Cisco Unified IP Phone Configuration Phone Configuration Settings
in the Product Specific Configuration area to display help in a popup wind ow.
If you need more information, refer to the documenta tion for the specific phone that you are configuring
or contact the manufacturer.
Tab le 91-1 Phone Configuration Settings
Field Description
Device Information
MAC Address Enter the Media Access Control (MAC) address that identifies Cisco Unified IP Phones
(hardware phones only). Make sure that the value comprises 12 hexade cim al cha r act ers .
For information on how to access the MAC address for your phone, refer to the Cisco Un ified
IP Phone Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager that supports
your phone model.
Cisco VG248 Analog Phone Gateway
The MAC address for the Cisco VG248 gateway specifies the endpoint from the Gateway
Configuration window of Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. See the
“Gateway Configuration” section on page 90-1 for configuration information.
Only one MAC address exists for the Cisco VG248 Analog Phone Gatew ay . All 48 port s share
the same MAC address. Cisco Unified Communications Manager requires unique MAC
addresses for all devices.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager converts the MAC address for each device by
Dropping the first two digits of the MAC address
Shifting the MAC address two places to the left
Adding the two-digit port number to the end of the MAC address (to th e righ t of t he
MAC Address for the Cisco VG248 is
the MAC address for registered port 12 in the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager is
Cisco VG224 Analog Phone Gateway
You can configure a Cisco VG224 gateway as an MGCP gateway or an SCCP gateway. When
it is configured as an SCCP gateway, it can have 24 analog phone endpoints. When it is
configured this way, it functions similarly to an IOS SCCP gateway. The MAC address for
each individual phone gets calculated by using a formula that considers the slot position,
subunit, port, and the last 10 characters of the original MAC address .
Device Name Enter a name to identify software-based telephones, H.323 clients, and CTI ports. The value
can include 1 to 15 characters, including alphanumeric characters, dot, dash, and underscores.
Description Identify the purpose of the device. You can enter the user name (such as John Smith) or the
phone location (such as Lobby) in this field.
For Cisco VG248 gateways, begin the description with VGC<mac address>.