Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 17 Location Configuration Location Configuration Settings
Audio Calls Information
Audio Bandwidth Enter the maximum amount of audio bandwidth (in kb/s) that is available
for all audio calls on the link between this location and other locations.
For audio calls, the audio bandwidth includes overhead. Choose between
the following options:
Unlimited bandwidth—Click the Unlimited radio button.
Specified bandwidth—Specify a bandwidth by clicking the ra dio
button next to the kb/s box and entering a specified bandwidth. Valid
values are 1 to 2147483647.
For purposes of location bandwidth calculations only, assume that each
call stream consumes the following amount of bandwidth:
G.711 call uses 80 kb/s.
G.722 call uses 80 kb/s.
G.723 call uses 24 kb/s.
G.728 call uses 16 kb/s.
G.729 call uses 24 kb/s.
GSM call uses 29 kb/s.
Wideband call uses 272 kb/s.
Note Each call comprises two call streams. To improve audio quality,
lower the bandwidth setting, so fewer active calls are allowed on
the link to this location.
Video Calls Information
Video Bandwidth Enter the maximum amount of video bandwi dth (in kb /s) tha t is av ai lab le
for all video calls on the link between this location and other locations.
For video calls, the video bandwidth does not include overhead. Choose
among the following options:
None—The system does not allow video calls between this location
and other locations. Video calls can, however, take place within this
Unlimited bandwidth—Click the Unlimited radio button.
Specified bandwidth—Specify a video bandwidth by clicking the
radio button next to the kb/s box and entering a specified video
bandwidth. The default value specifies 384 kb/s.
Locations RSVP Settings
Location This display-only field displays locations for which the interlocation
RSVP setting has been changed from the system default RSVP policy.
RSVP Setting This display-only field displays the RSVP policy setting between the
selected location and the location that is listed in the Location column to
the left.
Table 17-1 Location Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description