Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 2 Server Configuration
Deleting a Server
For additional information on changing the IP address or host name, refer to the document,
Changing the IP Address and Host Name for Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release
Step 1 Perform one of the following tasks:
To add a server, choose System > Server and click Add New.
To update a server, find the server by using the procedure in the “Finding a Server” section on
page 2-4.
The Server Configuration window displays.
Step 2 Enter the appropriate settings as described in Ta ble 2-1.
Step 3 To save the data and to add the server to the database, click the Save icon that displays in the tool bar in
the upper, left corner of the window (or click the Save button that displays at the bottom of the window).
Changes to the server configuration do not take effect until you restart Cisco Unified Communications
Manager. For information about restarting the Cisco CallManager service, refer to the Cisco Unified
Serviceability Administration Guide.
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 2-8.
Deleting a Server
This section describes how to delete a server from the Cisco Unified Communications M anager database
and how to add a deleted server back to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster.
Before You Begin
In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, you cann ot d elet e t he first n ode of th e
cluster, but you can delete subsequent nodes. Before you delete a subsequent node in t he Find a nd Li st
Servers window, Cisco Unified CM Administration displays the following message: “You are about to
permanently delete one or more servers. This action cannot be undone. Co ntinue?”. If you click OK, the
server gets deleted from the Cisco Unified CM database and is not available for use.
Tip When you attempt to delete a server from the Server Configuration window, a message tha t is similar to
the one in the preceding paragraph displays. If you click OK, the server gets deleted from the Cisco
Unified CM database and is not available for use.
Before you delete a server, consider the following information:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration does not allow you to delete the first node
in the cluster, but you can delete any subsequent node.
Cisco recommends that you do not delete any node that has Cisco Unified Communications Manage r
running on it, especially if the node has devices, such as phones, registered with it.
Although dependency records exist for the subsequent nodes, the r ecor ds d o not prevent you fro m
deleting the node.