Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 64 Directory Number Configuration Directory Number Configuration Settings
Recording Option This field determines the recording option on the line appearance of an agent. By default, the
recording option specifies Call Recording Disabled.
Choose one of the following options:
Call Recording Disabled—The calls that the agent makes on this line appearance are not
Automatic Call Recording Enabled—The calls that the agent makes on this line
appearance are automatically recorded.
Application Invoked Call Recording Enabled—The calls that the agent makes on this line
appearance are recorded if an application invokes calling recording.
When the recording option is set to either Automatic Call Recording Enabled or Application
Invoked Call Recording Enabled, the line appearance can be associated with a recording
When automatic recording is enabled, the application recording requests get rejected.
Recording Profile This field determines the recording profile on the line appearance of an agent. Choose an
existing recording profile from the drop-down list box. To create a recording profile, use the
Device > Device Settings > Recording Profile menu option.
The default value specifies None.
Monitoring Calling Search
Space The monitoring calling search space of the supervisor line appearan ce m us t in clu d e th e a ge nt
line or device partition to allow monitoring the agent.
Set the monitoring calling search space on the supervisor line appearance wind o w. Choose an
existing calling search space from the drop-down list box.
The default value specifies None.
Logged Missed Calls If the check box displays as checked, which is the default for this setting, Cisco Unified
Communications Manager logs missed calls in the call history for the shared line appearance
on the phone. If you uncheck the check box, missed calls do not get logged to the shared l in e
Table 64-1 Directory Number Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description