Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 91 Cisco Unified IP Phone Configuration Phone Configuration Settings
Proxy Server Enter the host and port (for example, proxy.cisco.com:80) that are used to proxy HTTP
requests for access to non-local host addresses from the pho ne H TTP cl ien t.
The rule contains two parts for when to use the proxy ser ver p aram eter:
1. The hostname contains a “.”
2. The hostname specifies an IP address in any form.
If you do not configure this URL, the phone attempts to connect directly to the URL .
To accept the default setting, leave this field blank.
Idle Enter the URL that displays on the Cisco Unified IP Phone display when the phone has not
been used for the time that is specified in Idle Timer field. For example, yo u can display a logo
on the LCD when the phone has not been used for 5 minutes.
To accept the default setting, leave this field blank.
Idle Timer (seconds) Enter the time (in seconds) that you want to elapse before th e URL that is specified in the Idle
field displays.
To accept the value of the Idle URL Timer enterprise parameter, leave this field blank.
Extension Information
Enable Extension Mobility Check this check box if this phone supports extension mobility.
Log Out Profile This drop-down list box specifies the device profile that the device uses when no one is l ogged
in to the device by using Cisco Extension Mobility. Y o u can choose eit her Use Current Devi ce
Settings or one of the specific configured profiles that are listed.
If you select a specific configured profile, the system retains a mapping betw ee n t he device
and the login profile after the user logs out. If you select Use Current Device Settings, no
mapping gets retained.
Log In Time This field remains blank until a user logs in. When a user logs in to the device by using Cisco
Extension Mobility, the time at which the user logged in displays in this field.
Log Out Time This field remains blank until a user logs in. When a user logs in to the device by using Cisco
Extension Mobility, the time at which the system will log out the user displays in this field.
Configuration File Encryption Symmetric Key Information
Symmetric Key Enter a string of hexadecimal characte rs that you wa nt t o use f or the sy mm etric key. Valid
characters include numerals, 0-9, and upper/lower case characters, A-F (or a-f).
Make sure that you enter the correct bits for the key size; otherwise, Cisco Unified
Communications Manager rejects the value. Cisco Unified Communications Manage r
supports the following key sizes:
Cisco Unified IP Phones 7905 and 7912 (SIP only)—256 bits
Cisco Unified IP Phones 7940 and 7960 (SIP only)—128 bits
Use this string for one-time use only. Every time that you update the co nfigurat ion se tting s,
you must generate a new key before you apply the configuration changes t o t he p hon e (ref er
to the “Synchronizing a Phone” section on page 91-32).
For more information on symmetric key operations for encrypted configuration file
downloads, refer to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Security Guide.
Table 91-1 Phone Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description