Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 91 Cisco Unified IP Phone Configuration Phone Configuration Settings
Packet Capture Duration This setting exists for troubleshooting encryption only; packet capturing may cause high C PU
usage or call-processing interruptions.
This field specifies the maximum number of minutes that is allotted for on e session of packet
capturing. The default setting equals 0, although the range exists from 0 to 300 minutes.
To initiate packet capturing, enter a value other than 0 in the field. After packet capturing
completes, the value, 0, displays.
For more information on packet capturing, refer to the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Troubleshooting Guide.
SRTP Allowed As this check box explains, if this flag is chec ked, IPSec needs to be configured in the network
to provide end-to-end security. Failure to do so will expose keys and other information.
For more information on SRTP encryption, refer to the Cisco U n ifie d C om m u n ic at i on s
Manager Security Guide.
Presence Group Configure this field with the Presence feature.
From the drop-down list box, choose a Presence group for the end user. The selected group
specifies the devices, end users, and application users that can monitor th is directory number.
The default value for Presence Group specifies Standard Presence grou p, configur ed w it h
installation. Presence groups that are configured in Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration also appear in the drop-down list box.
Presence authorization works with presence groups to allow or block presence requests
between groups. Refer to the “Presence” chapter in the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Features and Services Guide for information about configuring permissions between
groups and how presence works with extension mobility.
Device Security Profile Choose the security profile to apply to the device.
You must apply a security profile to all phones that are configured in Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Administration. Installing Cisco Unified Communications
Manager provides a set of predefined, nonsecure security profiles for auto-registration. To
enable security features for a phone, you must configure a new security profile for the device
type and protocol and apply it to the phone. If the phon e does not s upport s ecur ity, choose a
nonsecure profile.
To identify the settings that the profile contains, choose System > Security Profile > Phone
Security Profile.
Note The CAPF settings that are configured in the profile relate to the Certi fica te Au thority
Proxy Function settings that display in the Phone Configuration window. You must
configure CAPF settings for certificate operations that inv olv e m anuf acturer -i nstalled
certificates (MICs) or locally significant certificates ( LSC). Refer to the Cisco Unif ied
Communications Manager Security Guide for more information about how CAPF
settings that you update in the phone configuration window affect security profile
CAPF settings.
Table 91-1 Phone Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description