Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 73 Conference Bridge Configuration
Cisco Conference Bridge (WS-SVC-CMM) Configuration Settings
Cisco Conference Bridge (WS-SVC-CMM) Configuration
Conference Bridge for Cisco Unified Communications Manager, a software or hardware application,
allows both ad hoc and meet-me voice conferencing. Each conference bridge can host several
simultaneous, multiparty conferences.
Be aware that both hardware and software conference bridges can be active at the same time. Software
and hardware conference devices differ in the number of streams and the types of codec that they
Before you configure a conference bridge, configure the device pools. See the “Deleting a Device Pool”
section on page 9-13.
Refer to the “Conference Bridges” chapter of th e Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide
for more information about conference bridges.
Table 73-5 describes the Cisco Conference Bridge (WS-SVC-CMM) con figuration settings. For related
procedures, see the “Related Topics” section on page 73-18.
Tab le 73-5 Cisco Conference Bridge (WS-SVC-CMM) Configuration Settings
Field Description
Conference Bridge Type Choose Cisco Conference Bridge (WS-SVC-CMM).
For a description of this type, refer to “Conference Bridge Types in
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration” in the Cisco
Unified Communications Manager Sy s te m G ui d e.
Description Enter a description (up to 50 characters) or leave blank to generate
automatically from the MAC address that you provide.
MAC Address Enter a unique device MAC address in this required field. MAC
addresses comprise 12 hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F).
Subunit From the drop-down list box, choose the value for the daughter card for
a given slot on the Communication Media Module card.
Device Pool Choose a device pool or choose Default.
Common Device
Configuration Choose the common device configuration to assign to the conference
bridge. The common device configuration includes attributes, such as
MOH audio source, that support features and services for phone users.
Device configurations that are configured in the Common Device
Configuration window display in the drop-down list. See Common
Device Configuration for more information.