Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 91 Cisco Unified IP Phone Configuration
Phone Configuration Settings
Network Locale From the drop-down list box, choose the locale that is associated with the phone . The network
locale contains a definition of the tones and cadences that the phone in a specific geographic
area uses.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager makes this field available only for phone models that
support localization.
Note If no network locale is specified, Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the
network locale that is associated with the device pool.
Note If users require that country-specific tones be played (on the phone), verify that the
locale is installed before configuring the network locale. Refer to the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Locale Installer documentation.
Built In Bridge Enable or disable the built-in conference bridge for the barge feature by using the Built In
Bridge drop-down list box (choose On, Off, or Default).
Note Cisco Unified IP Phones 7940 and 7960 cannot support two media stream encryptions
or SRTP streams simultaneously. To prevent instability due to this condition, the
system automatically disables the built-in bridge for 7940 and 7960 phones w hen the
device security mode is set to encrypted.
For more configuration information, refer to “Barge and Privacy” in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Features and Services Guide. You can also refer to the Cisco
Unified Communications Manager S ec u ri t y Gu id e fo r more inf ormat ion.
Privacy For each phone that wants Privacy, choose On in the Privacy drop-down list box. For more
configuration information, refer to “Barge and Privacy” in the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Features and Services Guide.
Device Mobility Mode From the drop-down list box, turn the device mobility feature on or off for this device or
choose Default to use the default device mobility mode. Default setting uses the value for the
Device Mobility Mode service parameter for the device.
Click View Current Device Mobility Settings to display the current values of these device
mobility parameters:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group
Roaming Device Pool
Network Locale
AAR Group
AAR Calling Search Space
Device Calling Search Space
Media Resource Group List
For more configuration information, refer to “Device Mobility” in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Features and Services Guide.
Table 91-1 Phone Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description