Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Common Device Configuration
A common device configuration comprises user -spe cif i c se rvic e and f eatur e att rib ut es. E nsure that each
device is associated with a common device configuration for user-oriented information.
Note The Device Pool window now contains only location-related inf orm ation . Th e Com mo n Device
Configuration window records all the user-oriented information.
Use the following topics to configure common device configurations:
Common Device Configuration Settings, page 102-1
Finding a Common Device Configuration, page 102-6
Configuring a Common Device Configuration, page 102-7
Synchronizing a Common Device Configuration With Affected Devices, page 102-7
Deleting a Common Device Configuration, page 102-8
Related Topics, page 102-8

Common Device Configuration Settings

A common device configuration comprises user -spe cif i c se rvic e and f eatur e att rib ut es. E nsure that each
device is associated with a common device configuration for user-oriented information.
Note The Device Pool window now contains only location-related inf orm ation . Th e Com mo n Device
Configuration window records all the user-oriented information.
Table 102-1 describes the common device configuration settings. For related proced ures , se e the
“Deleting a Common Device Configuration” section on page 102-8.
Tab le 102-1 Common Device Configuration Settings
Field Description
Common Device Configuration Information
Name Enter a name to identify the common device configuration.
Softkey Template From the drop-down list box, choose the softkey template for the common
device configuration.