Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Phone NTP Reference Configuration
Use the following topics to configure phone NTP references:
Phone NTP Reference Configuration Settings, page 5-1
Finding the Phone NTP References, page 5-2
Configuring the Phone NTP References, page 5-3
Deleting the Phone NTP Reference, page 5-4
Related Topics, page 5-5

Phone NTP Reference Configuration Settings

If you want to do so, you can configure phone Network Time Protocol (NTP) references in Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Administration to ensure that a phone that is running SIP gets its date and
time from the NTP server. If all NTP servers do not respond, the phone that is running SIP uses the date
header in the 200 OK response to the REGISTER message for the date and time.
After you add the phone NTP reference to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, you
must add it to a date/time group. In the date/time group, you prioritize the phone NTP references, starting
with the first server that you want the phone to contact.
The date/time group configuration gets specified in the device pool, and the device pool gets specified
on the phone page.
Table 5-1 describes the phone NTP reference configuration settings. For rela ted pr oced ure s, se e the
“Related Topics” section on page 5-5.
Tab le 5-1 Phone NTP Reference Configuration Settings
Field Description
IP Address Enter the IP address of the NTP server that you want the phone that is
running SIP to use to get its date and time.
Note Cisco Unified Communications Manager cannot be configured as
Phone NTP References.
Description Enter a description for the phone NTP reference. Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Administration automatically propagates the
information in the IP Address field to the Description field. If you want to
do so, you can change the information.