Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 91 Cisco Unified IP Phone Configuration
Phone Configuration Settings
Require DTMF Reception For phones that are running SIP and SCCP, check this check box to require DTMF reception
for this phone.
Note In configuring Cisco Unified Mobility features, when using intercluster DNs as
remote destinations for an IP phone via SIP trunk (either intercluste r trunk [ ICT] or
gateway), check this check box so that DTMF digits can be received out of band,
which is crucial for Enterprise Feature Access midcall features.
RFC2833 Disabled For phones that are running SCCP, check this check box to disable RFC2833 support.
Certification Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) Information
Certificate Operation From the drop-down list box, choose one of the following options:
• No Pending Operation—Displays when no certificate operation is oc cu rrin g (default
• Install/Upgrade—Installs a new or upgrades an existing locally significant ce rti ficate in
the phone.
• Delete—Deletes the locally significant certificate that exists in the phone.
• Troubleshoot—Retrieves the locally significant certificate (LSC) or the manufacture
installed certificate (MIC), so you can view the certificate credentials in the CAPF trace
file. If both certificate types exist in the phone, Cisco Unified Communications Manager
creates two trace files, one for each certificate type.
By choosing the Troubleshooting option, you can verify that an LSC or MIC exists in the
For more information on CAPF operations, refer to the Ci sc o U n ifie d C om m un ications
Manager Security Guide.
Table 91-1 Phone Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description