Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 113 Application User Configuration Associating Devices to an Application User
Associating Devices to an Application User
You can associate devices over which application users will have control. Application users can control
some devices, such as phones. Applications that are identified as u s ers c an co nt rol othe r devices, suc h
as CTI ports. When application users have control of a phone, they can control certain settings for that
phone, such as speed dial and call forwarding.
Before You Begin
To assign devices to an application user, you must access the Application User Configuration window
for that user. See the “Finding an Application User” section on page 113-5 for information on finding
existing application users. When the Application User Configuration w indow disp lays, per form t he
following procedure to assign devices.
Step 1 In the Available Devices list box, choose a device that you want to associate with the application user
and click the Down arrow below the list box. The selected device moves to the
applicationuser.controlledDevices list box.
Reset Hack Count Check this check box to reset the hack count for this user
and clear the Time Locked Due to Failed Login Attempts
The hack count increments whenever authentication fails
for an incorrect credential.
If the policy specifies No Limit for Failed Logons, the
hack count always specifies 0.
Authentication Rule Select the credential policy to apply to this user
Time Last Ch a n g e d This field displays the date and time of the most recent
credential change for this user.
Failed Logon Attempts This field displays the number of failed logon attempts
since the last successful logon, since the administrator
reset the hack count for this user credential, or since the
reset failed login attempts time expired.
Time of Last Field Logon Attempt This field displays the date and time for the most recent
failed logon attempt for this user credential.
Time Locked by Administrator This field displays the date and t ime that t he adminis trator
locked this user account. This field goes blank after the
administrator unlocks the credential.
Time Locked Due to Failed Logon
Attempts This field displays the date and time that the system last
locked this user account due to failed logon attempts.
Time of hack lockout gets set whenever failed logon
attempts exceed the configured threshold in the applied
credential policy.
Table 113-2 Application User and End User Credential Settings and Fields (continued)
Field Description