Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Phone Button Template Configuration
Cisco Unified Communications Manager includes several default phone button templates. When adding
phones, you can assign one of these templates to the phones or create a new template.
Creating and using templates provides a fast way to assign a common button configuration to a large
number of phones. For example, if users in your company do not use the conference feature, you can
create a template that reassigns this button to a different feature, such as speed dial.
Make sure that all phones have at least one line that is assigned. Normally, use button 1 for this. You can
assign additional lines to a phone, depending on the Cisco Unified IP Phone model. Phones also
generally have several features, such as speed dial and call forward, that are ass ig ned to the r emai n ing
This chapter contains information on the following topics:
Phone Button Template Configuration Settings, page 98-1
Finding a Phone Button Template, page 98-2
Configuring Phone Button Templates, page 98-3
Configuring a Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Module Phone Button Template, page 98-5
Deleting a Phone Button Template, page 98-5
Related Topics, page 98-6

Phone Button Template Configuration Settings

Cisco Unified Communications Manager includes default templates for each Cisco Unified IP Phone
model. When you add phones, you can assign one of thes e tem plate s to t he p hon e or cre ate a t emp lat e
of your own.
You can make changes to the custom, nonstandard templates that you created, and you can change the
label of the custom phone button template. You cannot change the function of the buttons in the default
You can update a custom, nonstandard phone button template to add or remove features, add or remove
lines and speed dials, or assign features, lines, and speed dials to different buttons on the phone. You can
change the button labels in the default phone button templates, but you cannot change the funct ion of the
buttons in the default templates. If you update a phone template, be sure to inform affected users of the
The Programmable Line Key (PLK) feature expands the list of features that can be assigned to the line
buttons to include features that are normally controlled by softkeys; for example, New Call, Call Back,
End Call, and Forward All.