Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 50 Time Period Configuration Finding a Time Period
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 50-6.
Finding a Time Period
Because you might have several time periods in your network, Cisco Unified Communications Manager
lets you locate specific time periods by using specific criteria as the basis. Use the following procedure
to locate time periods.
Note During your work in a browser session, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration r etains
your time period search preferences. If you navigate to other me nu item s a nd ret urn t o thi s menu item,
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration retains your time peri od se arc h p refe rence s
until you modify your search or close the browser.
Step 1 Choose Call Routing > Class of Control > Time Period.
The Find and List Time Periods window displays.
Repeat Every Click on one of the radio buttons:
Week from—If you click on the Week from radio button, use the
drop-down list boxes next to from and through to choose the days of
the week during which this time period applies.
Examples: Choose a from value of Mon(day) and a through value of
Fri(day) to define a time period that applies from Monday through
Choose a from value of Sat(urday) and a through value of Sat(urday)
to define a time period that applies only on Saturdays.
Year on—If you click on the Year on radio button, use the
drop-down list boxes next to Year on and until to choose the
month-and-day combinations of the year during which this time
period applies.
Example: Choose a Year o n value of Jan and 15 and an until valu e
of Mar and 15 to choose the days from January 15 to March 15
during which this time period applies.
Choose a Year on value of Jan and 1 a nd an until value of Jan and 1
to specify January 1st as the only day during which this time period
Clear Repeat Click this button to clear the previously chosen Repeat Eve ry values fr om
the time period that you are modifying.
Table 50-1 Time Period Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description