Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 80 Media Resource Group List Co nf iguration
Finding a Media Resource Group List
Finding a Media Resource Group List
Because you might have several media resource group lists in your network, Cisco Unified
Communications Manager lets you locate specific media resource group li sts o n th e ba sis of spec ific
criteria. Use the following procedure to locate media resource group lists.
Note During your work in a browser session, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration r etains
your media resource group list search preferences. If you navigate to other menu items and return to this
menu item, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration retains your media resource gro up
list search preferences until you modify your search or close the browser.
Step 1 Choose Media Resources > Media Resource Group List.
The Find and List Media Resource Group Lists window displays. Records from an active (prior) query
may also display in the window.
Step 2 To find all records in the database, ensure the dialog box is empty; go to Step 3 .
To filter or search records
From the drop-down list box, select a search pattern.
Specify the appropriate search text, if appl ic ab le .
Media Resource Groups for this List
Available Media Resource
Groups This window lists the media resource groups that can be chosen for
a Media Resource Group List. The list includes only previously
defined media resource groups.
To add a media resource group for this Media Resource Group List,
choose one from the list and click the down arrow that is located
between the two panes.
After a media resource group is added, its name moves to the
Selected Media Resource Groups pane.
Selected Media Resource
Groups This pane lists the media resource groups that we re c hosen fo r a
Media Resource Group List. For any Media Resource Group List,
you must choose at least one media resource group.
To delete (unselect) a media resource group, choose its name in the
list and click the up arrow that is located between the two panes.
Because media resource groups are listed in order of p riori ty
(highest to lowest), you must use the up and down arrows that are
located to the right of this pane to reorder the media resource group
priority. To do so, choose a media resource group in the list and use
the up or down arrow to change its priority.
Table 80-1 Media Resource Group List Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description