Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Cisco Unified IP Phone Configuration
Cisco Unified IP Phones as full-featured telephones can plug directly into your IP network. You use the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Phone Configuration window to configure the
following Cisco Unified IP Phones and devices:
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7900 family for both SCCP and SIP
Cisco IP Video Phone 7985
Cisco Unified IP SIP Phone 3951
Cisco IP Phone 30 VIP and Cisco IP Phone 30 SP+
Cisco IP Phone 12 S, Cisco IP Phone 12 SP, Cisco IP Phone 12 SP+
H.323 clients
Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) ports
Be aware that CTI ports may not be associated with directory numbers (DNs) that are members of
line groups and, by extension, that are members of hunt lists. If a D N i s a me m ber o f a line gr oup
or hunt list, that DN cannot get associated with a CTI port that you configure with the Phone
Configuration window.
Cisco IP Communicator, Cisco Unified Personal Communicator, and Cisco Unified Mobile
Cisco ATA 186 Analog Telephone Adaptor
Third-party SIP Device (Basic) and (Advanced)
Cisco VG248 and VG224 ports (analog phones)
You configure the Cisco VG248 and VG224 analog phone gateways from the Gateway
Configuration window of Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. From this
window, you configure the gateway analog phone ports (doing this takes you to the Phone
Configuration window). When you want to update the VG248 and VG224 ports, use t he Ph one
Configuration window. The following procedures apply to update or delete for this phone type. See
the “Gateway Configuration” section on page 90-1 for Cisco VG248 analog phone gateway and
VG224 analog phone gateway configuration information.