Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Partition Configuration
Use the following topics to find, add, update, or delete ro ute p art ition s:
Partition Configuration Settings, page 52-1
Finding a Partition, page 52-3
Configuring a Partition, page 52-4
Searching for a Partition, page 52-5
Synchronizing a Partition With Affected Devices, page 52-5
Deleting a Partition, page 52-6
Related Topics, page 52-7

Partition Configuration Settings

A partition contains a list of route patterns (directory number (DN) and route patterns). Partitions
facilitate call routing by dividing the route plan into logical subsets that are based on organization,
location, and call type. For more information about partitions, refer to “Partitions and Calling Search
Spaces” in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide.
Table 52-1 describes the partition configuration settings. For related procedures, see the “Related
Topics” section on page 52-7.