Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 92 Trunk Configuration Trunk Configuration Settings
Transmit UTF-8 for Calling
Party Name This device uses the user locale setting of the device pool to
determine whether to send unicode and whether to translate
received Unicode information.
For the sending device, if you check this check box and the us er
locale setting in the device pool matches the terminating phone user
locale, the device sends unicode. If the user locale settings do not
match, the device sends ASCII.
The receiving device translates incoming unicode characters based
on the user locale setting of the sending device pool. If the user
locale setting matches the terminating phone user locale, the phone
displays the characters.
Note The phone may display malformed characters if the two
ends of the trunk configure user locales that do not bel ong
to the same language group.
The default value for Transmit UTF-8 for Calling Party Name
leaves the check box unchecked.
Unattended Port Check this check box if calls can be redirected and transferred to an
unattended port, such as a voice mail port.
The default value for this check box leaves it unchecked.
SRTP Allowed Check this check box if you want Cisco Unified Communications
Manager to allow secure and nonsecure media calls over the trunk.
Checking this check box enables Secure Real-Time Protocol
(SRTP) SIP Trunk connections and also allows the SIP trunk to fall
back to Real-Time Protocol (RTP) if the endpoints do not support
If you do not check this check box, Cisco Unified Communic ations
Manager prevents SRTP negotiation with the trunk and uses RTP
negotiation instead.
The default value for this check box leaves it unchecked.
Caution If you check this check box, Cisco strongly recommends
that you use an encrypted TLS profile, so that keys and
other security-related information do not get exposed
during call negotiations. If you use a non-secure profile,
SRTP will still work but the keys will get exposed in
signaling and traces. In that case, you must ensure the
security of the network between Cisco Unified
Communications Manager and the destination side of the
For more information on encryption for trunks, refer to the Cisco
Unified Communications Manager Se c ur i ty G u id e.
Table 92-2 Trunk Configuration Settings for SIP Trunks (continued)
Field Description