Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 114 End User Configuration End User Configuration Settings
Search Space Supported with the Presence feature, the SUBSCRIBE calling search
space determines how Cisco Unified Communications Manager routes
presence requests that come from the end user. This setting allo ws y ou to
apply a calling search space separate from the call-processing search
space for presence (SUBSCRIBE) requests for the end user.
From the drop-down list box, choose the SUBSCRIBE calling search
space to use for presence requests for the end user. All calling search
spaces that you configure in Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration display in the SUBSCRIBE Calling Search Space
drop-down list box.
If you do not select a different calling search sp ace for the end user from
the drop-down list, the SUBSCRIBE calling search space defaults to
To configure a SUBSCRIBE calling search space specifically for this
purpose, you configure a calling search space as you do all calling search
spaces. For information on how to configure a calling search space, see
the “Calling Search Space Configuration” section on page 53-1
Allow Control of Device
from CTI If this check box is checked, when the user logs in to a device, the
AllowCTIControlFlag device property becomes active, which allows
control of the device from CTI applications. Until the user logs in to a
device, this setting has no effect.
Note The Allow Control of Device from CTI setting in the end user
configuration overrides the AllowCTIControlFlag device
property of the device to which the user logs in.
Directory Number Associations
Primary Extension This field represents the primary directory number for the end u ser. End
users can have multiple lines on their phones.
When you associate devices to the end user, directory numbers that are
configured on the associated device become available in the drop-down
list box for Primary Extension. From the drop-down list box, choose a
primary extension for this end user.
If the system is integrated with Cisco Unity Connection, the Create
Cisco Unity User link displays in the Related Links menu.
IPCC Extension From the drop-down list box, choose an IPCC extension for this end user.
Note This field displays only if the IPCC Express Installed enterprise
parameter is set to True.
Table 114-1 End User Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description