Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 91 Cisco Unified IP Phone Configuration Configuring Cisco Unified IP Phones
Step 2 Perform one of the followings tasks:
Note For information on obtaining the MAC address, see the “Displaying the MAC Address of a
Phone” section on page 91-41.
To copy an existing phone, locate the appropriate phone as described in “Finding a Phone” section
on page 91-26, click the Copy button next to the phone that you want to copy, and continue with
Step 5.
To copy an existing phone and copy the directory numbers, speed dials, busy lamp field/speed dials,
and service URLs that are associated with the phone, locate the appropriate phone as described in
“Finding a Phone” section on page 91-26, click the Super Copy button next to the phone that you
want to copy, and continue with Step 5.
Note The lines that get copied become shared lines between the origina l phone and the new phone.
To add a new phone, click the Add New button and continue with Step 3.
To update an existing phone, locate the appropriate phone as described in “Finding a Phone” section
on page 91-26 and continue with Step 5.
Step 3 From the Phone Type drop-down list box, select the appropriate phone type or device an d c lick Next.
After you choose a phone type, you cannot modify it.
Step 4 If the Select the device protocol drop-down list box displays, choose the ap pro pri at e pro t ocol of t he
device and click Next. Otherwise, continue with Step 5.
The Phone Configuration window displays.
Step 5 Enter the appropriate settings as described in Ta ble 91-1.
Only the settings that are appropriate to the chosen p hone type disp l ay i n the win dow.
Step 6 Click Save.
If you are adding a phone, a message displays that states that the phone has been added to the da tabase.
To add a directory number to this phone, click one of the line links, such as Line [1] - Add a new DN, in
the Association Information pane that displays on the left side of the window. Continue with the
“Directory Number Configuration Settings” section on page 64-1.
If you are updating a phone, a message displays that states that you must click th e Apply Config button
for your changes to take effect. For more information about the Apply Config button, see the
“Synchronizing a Phone” section on page 91-32.
Next Steps
To configure speed-dial buttons on this phone, see the “Configuring Speed-Dial Buttons or Abbreviated
Dialing” section on page 91-34. To configure services for this phone, see the “Configuring IP Phone
Services” section on page 91-35. To configure service URL buttons for this phone, see the “Adding an
IP Phone Service to a Phone Button” section on page 100-9. To configure busy lamp field/speed-dial
settings for this phone, see the “BLF/Speed Dial Configuration Settings” section on page 91-26.