Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Softkey Template ConfigurationSoftkey template configuration allows the administrator to manage softkeys that the Cisco Unified IP
Phones (such as 7970) support. Cisco Unified Communications Manager supports two types of softkey
templates: standard and nonstandard. Applications that support softkeys can have one or more standard
softkey templates that are associated with them; for example, Cisco Unified Communications Manager
has the Standard Feature and the Standard User softkey templates that are associated with it. You cannot
modify standard softkey templates.
The administrator can copy, update, or delete nonstandard softkey templates by using soft key templat e
The following sections provide details about softkey template configuration:
• Finding a Softkey Template, page 99-1
• Creating Nonstandard Softkey Templates, page 99-2
• Adding Application Softkeys to Nonstandard Softkey Templates, page 99-3
• Configuring Softkey Positions in a Nonstandard Softkey Template, page 99-4
• Modifying Softkey Templates, page 99-5
• Assigning Softkey Templates to IP Phones, page 99-8
Finding a Softkey Template
Because you might have several softkey templates in your network, Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Administration lets you locate specific softkey templates on the basis of specific criteria. Use
the following procedure to locate softkey templates.
Note During your work in a browser session, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration r etains
your softkey template search preferences. If you navigate to other menu items and return to this menu
item, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration retains your softkey template search
preferences until you modify your search or close the browser.
Step 1 Choose Device > Device Settings > Softkey Template.
The Find and List Softkey Templates window displays. Records from an active (prior) query may also
display in the window.