Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 43 Route List Configuration
Adding Route Groups to a Route List
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 43-7.
Adding Route Groups to a Route List
You can add route groups to a new route list or to an existing route list. Route groups can exist in one or
more route lists. The following procedure describes adding a r oute grou p t o an exi sti ng rou t e l ist.
Note You cannot add route groups that contain MGCP gateways that use the QSIG protoco l (a Q SI G ro ut e
group) and route groups that contain gateways that use the H.323 pro toc ol ( H.323 r oute g roup) t o th e
same route list. For more information, refer to the “Route Groups and Route Li sts” section in the Cisco
Unified Communications Manager System Guide.
Before You Begin
Before performing this procedure, you must build one or more rou te g ro ups an d a dd a r oute li st.
Step 1 Choose Call Routing > Route/Hunt > Route List.
Step 2 Locate the route list to which you want to add route group. See the “Finding Route Lists” section on
page 43-1.
Step 3 To add a route group, click Add Route Group.
The Route List Detail Configuration window displays.
Step 4 From the Route Group drop-down list box, choose a route group to add to the route list.
Note If the route list contains a QSIG route group, H.323 route groups do not display in the drop-down
list box. If the route group contains a H.323 route group, QSIG route groups do not display in
the drop-down list box.
Note When you are configuring the Local Route Group feature, add the Standard Local Route Group
to the route list by selecting the Standard Local Route Group entry in the drop-down list box.
Refer to the “Local Route Groups” chapter in the Cisco Unifie d C om m un ications Manager
Features and Services Guide for details.
Step 5 If you need to manipulate the calling party number on calls that are routed thr oug h this route group, set
up the calling party transformations in the appropriate fields.
Note For more information on calling party transformations, see “Calling and Called Party
Transformations” in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide.
Step 6 If you need to manipulate the dialed digits on calls that are routed through this rout e group, set up the
called party transformations in the appropriate fields.