Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Route Group Configuration
Use the following topics to add or delete a route group or to add devices to or to remove devices from a
route group:
Route Group Configuration Settings, page 42-1
Finding a Route Group, page 42-3
Configuring a Route Group, page 42-4
Adding Devices to a Route Group, page 42-5
Removing Devices from a Route Group, page 42-6
Deleting a Route Group, page 42-6
Related Topics, page 42-7

Route Group Configuration Settings

A route group allows you to designate the order in which gateways and trunks are selected. It allows you
to prioritize a list of gateways and ports for outgoing trunk selection.
For example, if you use two long-distance carriers, you could add a ro ute gro up, so long -dis ta nce ca ll s
to the less expensive carrier are given priority. Calls route to the more expensive carrier only if the first
trunk is unavailable.
Note For information about configuring the Local Route Group feature, refer to the “L ocal Route Groups ”
chapter in the Cisco Unified Communications Man age r Features and Se r v ic es G u id e.
Table 42-1 describes the route group configuration settings. For related procedure s, see the “Related
Topics” section on page 42-7.
Tab le 42-1 Route Group Configuration Settings
Field Description
Route Group Information
Route Group Name Enter a name for this route group. The name can comprise up to 50
alphanumeric characters and can contain any combination of spaces,
periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscore characters (_). Ensur e that each
route group name is unique to the route plan.