Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 96 Default Device Profile Configuration
Default Device Profile Configuration Settings
Table 96-1 describes the fields that are available in the Default Device Profile Configuration window.
For related procedures, see the “Related Topics” section on page 96-7.
Tab le 96-1 Default Device Profile Configuration Settings
Field Description
Default Device Profile Information
Description Enter a description for the default device profile configuration.
User Hold MOH Audio
Source To specify the audio source that plays when a user initiates a hold action,
click the drop-down arrow and choose an audio source from the list that
If you do not choose an audio source, Cisco Unified Communications
Manager uses the audio source that is defined in the device pool or uses
the system default if the device pool does not specify an audio source ID.
Note You define audio sources in the Music On Hold Audio Source
Configuration window. For access, choose Media Resources >
Music On Hold Audio Source.
User Locale From the drop-down list box, choose the locale that is associa ted with the
phone user interface. The user locale identifies a set of d eta il ed
information, including language and font, to support users.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager makes this field available only
for phone models that support localization.
Note If no user locale is specified, Cisco Unified Communications
Manager uses the user locale that is associated with the device
Note If the users require information to display (on the phone) in any
language other than English, verify that the locale installer is
installed before configuring user locale. Refer to the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Locale Installer documentation.
Phone Button Template Choose the appropriate phone button template. The phone button template
determines the configuration of buttons on a phone and identifies which
feature (line, speed dial, and so on) is used for each button.
Softkey Template Choose the appropriate softkey template. The softkey template determines
the configuration of the softkeys on Cisco Unified IP Phones. If the device
pool contains the assigned softkey template, leave this field blank.
Privacy From the drop-down list box, choose On for each phone on which you
want privacy. For more configuration information, refer to “Barge and
Privacy” in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and
Services Guide.