Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 16 LDAP Authentication Configuration
LDAP Authentication Configuration Settings
Table 16-1 describes the LDAP authentication configuration settings. For related procedures, see the
“Related Topics” section on page 16-5.
Tab le 16-1 LDAP Authentication Configuration Settings
Field Description
LDAP Authentication for End Users
Use LDAP Authentication
for End Users Click this check box to require authentication of end users from the
LDAP directory. If the check box is left unchecked, authentication gets
performed against the database.
Note You can only access this field if LDAP synchronization is
enabled in the LDAP System Configuration window.
LDAP Manager
Distinguished Name Enter the user ID of the LDAP Manager who is an administrative user
that has access rights to the LDAP directory in question.
Note You can only access this field if LDAP authentication for end
users is enabled.
LDAP Password Enter a password for the LDAP Manager.
Note You can only access this field if LDAP authentication for end
users is enabled.
Confirm Password Reenter the password that you provided in the LDAP Password field.
Note You can only access this field if LDAP authentication for end
users is enabled.
LDAP User Search Base Enter the user search base. Cisco Unified Communications Manager
searches for users under this base.
Note You can only access this field if LDAP authentication for end
users is enabled.
LDAP Server Information
Host Name or IP Address
for Server Enter the host name or IP address where you installed the corporate
Note You can only access this field if LDAP authentication for end
users is enabled.