Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide

Configuring Non-Cisco Phones That Are Running


Cisco Unified Communications Manager supports Cisco Unified IP Phones with SIP as we ll a s
RFC3261-compliant phones that are running SIP from third-party companies. Th is a ppendi x desc ribes
how to configure the third-party phones that are running SIP by using Cisco Uni fied Comm uni cati ons
Manager Administration.
This appendix contains the following sections:
Where to Find More Information, page B-6
Configuration Differences for Phones That Are Running SIP, page B-3
Migrating from Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 5.0 t o Rel ea se 7. 1(2), pa ge B-5
Where to Find More Information, page B-6

Configuration Checklist for Third-Party Phones That Are

Running SIP

Cisco Unified Communications Manager supports Cisco Unified IP Phones with SIP as we ll a s
RFC3261-compliant phones that are running SIP from third-party companies. Ta ble B-1 provides steps
to manually configure a third-party phone that is running SIP by using Cisco Uni fied Comm uni cation s
Manager Administration.
Tab le B-1 Configuration Checklist for Third-Party Phone That Is Running SIP
Configuration Steps Procedures and Related Topics
Step 1 Gather the following information about the phone:
MAC address
Physical location of the phone
Cisco Unified Communications Manager user to associate
with the phone
Partition, calling search space, and location information, if
Number of lines and associated DNs to assign to the phone