Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Appendix B Configuring Non-Cisco Phones That Are Running SIP
Migrating from Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 5.0 to Release 7.1(2)
Licensing for Third-Party Phones That Are Running SIP
Licensing of third-party phones that are running SIP enforces the following limitations:
• Third-party SIP Device (Basic)—Video calls do not get supported. Video enforcement occurs as part
of the offer/answer process. If video-related media is provided as part of an offer or answer from a
SIP device that is not permitted to negotiate video, only the non-video-related parts of the call get
extended to the destination party. Similarly, a SIP endpoint that is not permitted to negotiate media
will not receive any video-related media in the SDP that is sent from Cisco Unif ied Communications
• Third-party SIP Device (Advanced) and (Basic)—Cisco-specific SIP extensions do not get
supported. Some Cisco-specific SIP extensions that are not supported include service URIs, header
extensions, dialog subscriptions, and remote call control proprietary mime types. Cisco Unified
Communications Manager will reject any request from a phone that i s r unni ng SIP th at is no t
permitted to use an advanced feature that uses a service request URI (such as Call Pickup URI, Meet
Me Service URI). The SIP profile specifies service URIs. The profile gets assigned to SIP devices.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager will block features that require the use of Cisco-specific
SIP extensions.
Note Ensure that any wireless third-party SIP client or device is configured as a Third-Party SIP Device
(Advanced) in conformance with Cisco Unified Communications Manager licensing policy.
For more information about Cisco SIP Extensions, contact your Cisc o repre sent ative.
Migrating from Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 5.0 to Release 7.1(2)In Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Release 5.1(1) and above, certain characteristics for Basic
and Advanced Third-Party phones that are running SIP changed. These characteristics inclu de cha nges
to the Maximum Number of Calls per Device, Default Maxi mum num be r o f ca ll s pe r DN , an d D efaul t
Busy Trigger per DN fields that display on the Directory Number Configuration w indow in Cisco
Unified Communications Manager Administration. See Table B-3 and Ta ble B-4 for mo re informa tion.
Tab le B-3 Directory Number Migration Changes for Basic Third-Party Phones
That Are Running SIP
Field Name Old Value New Value
Maximum Number of Calls Per
Device 8 2
Default Maximum Number of
Calls per DN 4 2
Default Busy Trigger per DN 2 2