Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Meet-Me Number/Pattern Configuration
This section contains information on the following topics:
Meet-Me Number/Pattern Configuration Settings, page 65-1
Finding a Meet-Me Number/Pattern, page 65-2
Configuring a Meet-Me Number/Pattern, page 65-4
Deleting a Meet-Me Number/Pattern, page 65-4
Related Topics, page 65-5

Meet-Me Number/Pattern Configuration Settings

Meet-Me conferences require an allocation of directory numbers. Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Administration provides the Meet-Me conference directory numbe r range to users, so they can
access the feature.
Before You Begin
Make sure that the following prerequisites are met before you configure Meet-Me numbers/patterns:
Configure the server(s). Refer to the “Server Configuration” section on page 2-1.
Configure the device pools. Refer to the “Device Pool Configuration” section on page 9-1.
Table 65-1 describes the meet-me number/pattern configuration settings. For related procedures, see the
“Related Topics” section on page 65-5.
Tab le 65-1 Meet-Me Number/Pattern Configuration Settings
Field Description
Directory Number or
Pattern Enter a Meet-Me Numbers/pattern or a range of numbers.
To configure a range, the dash must appear within brackets and follow a
digit; for example, to configure the range 1000 to 1050, enter 10[0-5 ]0.
Description Enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters for a description of the meet-me