HP Classroom Manager 10.61
Installing the Deploy Utility
When installing HP Classroom Manager you decide which combination of components to include. To install HP Classroom Manager Deploy, select the Remote Deployment Utility along with any other components you require.
Note: HP Classroom Manager Deploy is currently supported on Windows XP and above.
HP Classroom Manager Deploy is a powerful utility that makes installing packages on multiple workstations a quick and easy process. However, while we endeavor to ensure that there are no limitations or incompatibility issues in the use of the software, it is recommended that a trial deploy is performed on a small number of workstations to ensure there are no conflicts with other similar products such as remote control or desktop security packages. In addition, for added security and protection you must have appropriate administrator rights for the machines you are deploying to.
Deploying on Windows XP
To enable you to deploy HP Classroom Manager on Windows XP Professional, you need access to the Admin$ share on the remote machine in order to transfer the package to be deployed. By default there is no access allowed to Admin$ share.
To enable Network access:
1.In Administrative Tools select Local Security Policy.
2.Select {Security Settings}{Local Policies}{Security Options}
3.Select {Network access : Sharing and security model for local accounts}
4.Alter the setting for this policy to {Classic – local users authenticate as themselves}
The Admin$ share will now be available and you can deploy as normal.
Starting HP Classroom Manager Deploy
1.Select HP Classroom Manager Deploy from your HP Classroom Manager Program Group.
2.The HP Classroom Manager Deploy Main window will appear.
The Deploy Main window is divided into the following sections:
Menu Bar
The Menu bar contains a series of drop down menus that can be used to access the various tools and configuration utilities for the deploy process.