HP Classroom Manager 10.61
Note: A complementary feature to „Join Class‟ is „Class Lists‟. This enables the Tutor to create and save multiple known lists of Students, the Tutor can then load the relevant list at the start of a lesson and automatically connect to the Student machines.
Client Disconnects from an Active Session
During an active session you may find that Students inadvertently disconnect, for example, when they reboot their machine. Each time a Student disconnects a message will appear advising which Student has disconnected, you can dismiss this prompt or leave to timeout as it will allow you to carry on working, this message can be disabled if required.
To Disable the Disconnect Prompt
1.Select {View}{Current Settings - User Interface - Tutor} from the Control window drop down menu.
2.Select the Silent Disconnect option and Click Ok. The next time a Student disconnects no message will be displayed.
Note: To automatically reconnect to Students when they become available, ensure that the Automatically Reconnect to Students option is selected in the Tutor User Interface Settings.
Configuring HP Classroom Manager For Subnet Browsing
If your network is running across multiple TCP/IP Subnets you need to configure HP Classroom Manager to use the additional subnets when browsing for Clients.
Before configuring HP Classroom Manager to browse on a remote IP subnet it is useful to understand how IP addresses are made up and in particular what an IP Broadcast Address is. See Understanding IP Addresses.
To Configure the HP Classroom Manager Control to browse IP subnets
1.Select {School}{Configuration} from the Control window drop down menu.
2.From the Configuration options choose Network Settings.
3.Click the Settings button under Browsing.
4.The Configure TCP/IP Client Browsing dialog will appear.
5.Click Add and enter the Broadcast Address of the Network you wish to browse if known.
To enable HP Classroom Manager to calculate the Broadcast Address, click Advanced and enter a Target IP Address followed by the Subnet mask or enter the required Address Range.
6. Click OK.