HP Classroom Manager 10.61
3.The Deploy Summary dialog will appear.
4.Click Properties to enter the details for the deployment.
5.Click Browse to specify the folder containing the license file that is to be deployed. The default file is NSM.LIC.
6.For the new settings to take effect immediately, by default the Client Service will be automatically restarted after the deployment. If not required, clear the Restart the HP Classroom Manager Client service box.
7.Click OK to return to the Summary dialog. You can view the contents of the license file by clicking on the file name.
8.Click Deploy. A progress dialog will appear enabling you to monitor the status of the deployment.
9.Click Close when complete.
Remote Uninstall
Using HP Classroom Manager Deploy you can remotely uninstall an HP Classroom Manager package.
1.Select the required workstations.
2.Choose {Deploy}{Uninstall HP Classroom Manager} from the Deploy Main window drop down menu. Or,
Right click on the selected workstations and choose
3.The Deploy Summary dialog will appear.
4.Click Properties to enter the details for the deployment. The Uninstall HP Classroom Manager dialog will appear.
5.Enter the properties for the deployment by selecting the four tabs in turn.
General tab
Provides a description of the package being uninstalled.
Acknowledgement Tab
Consider whether the workstations will be in use when commencing deployment. You can choose to:
∙Uninstall HP Classroom Manager Immediately. No prompt will be received at the workstations being deployed to.
∙Warn user before uninstalling HP Classroom Manager. The user will receive a prompt and needs to click OK to commence the uninstall. Users cannot cancel this.
∙User can postpone uninstall of HP Classroom Manager. You can specify the number of times a user can postpone the uninstall. If the user does choose to postpone, they will be prompted the next time they restart the workstation.