HP Classroom Manager 10.61
observation mode, 149 store questions, 150
quiet mode, 126
reboot, 89
register students, 21 reinstate group leader, 40 remote
clipboard, 45
executing applications at Clients, 86 log off Client workstations, 89 power off, 25
power on, 25 remote deploy utility, 8
remote install
a Client configuration, 13
an HP Classroom Manager license file, 13 an HP Classroom Manager package, 10 log files, 15
remote uninstall, 14 remove Clients
from known list, 28 remove group leader, 40
replay files, 69 control panel, 72 create at the tutor, 71 create for all students, 70 create for selected students, 70 showing to students, 73 watch, 71
test results, 159
restricted application list. See application control module restricted website list. See web control module
scale to fit mode, 43 scanning, 45
monitor mode, 48
one Client at a time, 45 screen capture, 55
Screen Capture, 55 security
configure at Client, 124 security key
Client, 124 control, 136
select setup type, 4
select Students for exam, 157 send physical fonts, 127 send/collect work, 83
change properties, 86 collect work, 84 send work, 83
sending messages, 77
set class time, 116
set name for Control, 134 setup. see installing show leaders, 59
show printers, 108 showing
a Client screen, 59
across a wireless network, 132 an application, 74
annotate while showing, 62 broadcast show, 56, 132 hotkey combinations, 56 replay files, 73
set show leader, 58 suspend a show, 58 the Control screen, 56 using audio, 66
using Show leaders, 59 videos, 68
sign in, 21 sign out, 23 silent installation, 7
specify parameters, 8 silent mode, 127
software inventory, 140
starting HP Classroom Manager, 17
test designer, 141 startup settings, 130
student disconnects, 30 student journal, 114
adding notes to the journal, 114 student login, 21
Student name
configure, 127 student register, 21
student rewards, 121 student surveys, 105
show results to students, 105 survey lists, 107
student toolbar, 119 subnet browsing, 30 suspend group leader, 40 system
tech console, 139 terminal server, 31 terminology used, vi test designer, 141 test player, 160 testing console, 157 testing module
adding resources to questions, 149 combo list question, 145
create exam, 152 create questions, 143 delete exam, 154
delete questions/subjects/topics, 151 drag and drop image question, 145 drag and drop text question, 144 edit exam, 154
exam grades, 151 exams mode, 151 import/export data, 156 introduction, 141
label image question, 146
multi true or false question, 148
publish exam, 155 question scores, 153 questions mode, 142 reviewing results, 159