HP Classroom Manager 10.61
Skip to Previous marker
Moves the replay index to the previous activity marker or to the beginning of the file if there isn‟t one. These markers are added at points when lots of activity was recorded at the Client.
Frame Advance
Advance the replay index to the next frame. Press and hold this button to
Skip to Next marker
Moves the replay index to the next activity marker or to the end of the file if there isn‟t one.
Turn audio on/off within the Replay file.
Other Information
The current time index is displayed to the right of these controls in the hh:mm:ss.ms format. The name of the Client that the replay was recorded on, the date and time are displayed at the bottom of the window.
Replay Marker
This marker can be positioned anywhere within the time frame of the replay file. The marker is the small black triangle beneath the time index control. Click and drag this to the position where you want the file to stop playing. When the marker is encountered the replay stops, and you can then press play to continue past it.
Showing Replay Files to Students
Using HP Classroom Manager‟s Show feature, a Tutor can show a stored Replay file to any number of connected Students.
1.Click the „Show Menu‟ icon on the Control toolbar and choose Show Replay.
Choose {Client}{Show Replay} from the Control window drop down menu.
2.The Show Replay dialog will appear.
3.Browse for and select the required Replay file.
4.From the Client list, select the Students to show the Replay file to.
5.Set additional Show Options if required.
6.Click Show.
7.The Replay Window will open at the Tutor machine and start playing the Replay file to the selected Students.
8.Click End on the Replay window toolbar to end the show.