HP Classroom Manager 10.61
An icon is displayed next to the Student icon informing the Tutor of the current application in use.
Large Icons | Details |
If the application is currently listed in the Approved or Restricted lists, then a visual Green (Approved) or Red (Restricted) identifier is shown surrounding the application icon to make identification easier.
If the List view is in “Details” layout then a list of all other applications running on the Student workstation is also displayed.
When viewing any one of the four layout options, the order of the Student and Application icons can also be rearranged by the Tutor. Right click in the List view and choose {Arrange}. The Tutor is able to change the layout of the icons using the following options:
By Name Student icons will be arranged in alphabetical order according to their Client Name/ Display Name/ Student Register Name.
By Current Student icons will be arranged in alphabetical order
Application according to the current application.
By Running Student icons will be arranged in alphabetical order Applications according to the running applications on the Student
Selection of one of the above options is identified by a black dot.
Auto Arrange If a new Student has been added to the list, or a new application is running on a Student machine, this option will automatically arrange the icons into the previously selected order above. A black tick will identify selection of this option. To deselect this option, simply
Ascending If this option has been selected, the Student icons will appear in ascending order according to the previously selected option above. A black tick will identify selection of this option. To deselect this option, simply
Close current/ running applications on a Student workstation
The Tutor has two options when closing down an application on a Student workstation:
Close Close down an application but respect any applications requests at the Student e.g. to save file before closing.