HP Classroom Manager 10.61
4. The Chat window will appear at the Control and Client workstations.
The Chat Window
This window is displayed at each participating member‟s machine and lists the progress of the Chat session. Only the Control or Group Leader can add or remove Clients from the session.
Unless the option is disabled in the Chat Properties dialog, Clients can choose to Leave the session.
The following options are available from the Chat Window:-
Chat Menu
The content of a Chat session can be stored for future reference.
Choose Save As to create a file containing the text or choose Copy to be able to paste the Chat content into another application or file.
Each message is restricted to 128 characters. Check Auto Send long message to automatically send the message when the limit is reached.
You can add the content of the Chat session to the Student Journal by selecting Add to Journal.
Window Menu
Only the Control‟s Chat window will have a window drop down menu. This menu enables you to swap between opened screens or Tile them.
Chat Progress
The main body of the Chat window is used to record the progress of a Chat session. It holds details of members who have joined or left the discussion, as well as the messages that have been sent by each member.
Send Message
This is where you type your comments. Type the message and hit Enter or click Send. Each message is restricted to 128 characters. You can automatically send the message when the limit is reached, select {Chat}{Auto Send long Message} from the Chat window drop down menu.
Note: Emoticons can be included within the message.
Ends the Chat session.