HP Classroom Manager 10.61
If a Student raises a Help Request an alert will be raised at the Tutor provided it currently has that Student connected. Any outstanding Help Requests will be visible to the Tutor with a Help Request icon displayed next to the Student icon. This will show until that Help Request has been cleared.
To display current Help Requests
1.Choose {School}{Help Requests} from the Control window drop down menu bar.
2.The Help request window will open and list the Requests. If there are any help requests pending since the last time the Control connected to the Client, the Help Request window will be open as the Control initializes.
3.By clicking on the View Client or Chat toolbar buttons, you can reply to the Clients Help Request.
Transferring Files
HP Classroom Manager includes sophisticated File Transfer functionality that enables you to transfer files to and from the Control and Client.
Note: File Transfer functionality can be configured by choosing {View}{Current Settings – File Transfer} from the Control window drop down menu.
The Control‟s directory structure and the files in each directory are displayed in the top half of the window. The Client‟s directory structure and the files in each directory are displayed in the lower half of the window.
To copy files and Directories from a Control to a Client
1.Select the required Client in the List view.
2.Click the File Transfer icon on the toolbar and choose File Transfer. Or,
Choose {Client}{File Transfer} from the Control window drop down menu. Or,
If you are Viewing the Client, select the File Transfer icon on the View window toolbar.
3.The File Transfer window to that Client will open.