XS712T Smart Switch
2.In the ACL Name list, select the name of the ACL to add a rule to.
3.Click Add.
The screen displays the IPv6 ACL Rule Configuration fields.
4.Next to Rule ID, specify a number from
5.Select or specify values for one or more of the following match criteria:
•Rule ID. Enter a whole number in the range of 1 to 10 that will be used to identify the rule. An IPv6 ACL can have up to 10 rules.
•Action. Specify what action should be taken if a packet matches the rule's criteria. The choices are Permit or Deny.
•Logging. When set to Enable, logging is enabled for this ACL rule (subject to resource availability in the device). If the Access List Trap Flag is also enabled, then this causes periodic traps to be generated indicating the number of times this rule was hit during the current report interval. A fixed