XS712T Smart Switch
Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to perform the following actions:
•Click Clear Counters to clear the authentication server and RADIUS statistics to their default values.
•Click Refresh to refresh the screen with the most current data from the switch.
Accounting Server Configuration
Use the RADIUS Accounting Server Configuration screen to view and configure various settings for one or more RADIUS accounting servers on the network.
To configure the RADIUS accounting server:
1. Select Security > Management Security > RADIUS > Accounting Server Configuration.
2.In the Accounting Server Address field, specify the IP address of the RADIUS accounting server to add.
3.In the Port field, specify the UDP port number the server uses to verify the RADIUS accounting server authentication.
The valid range is
4.From the Secret Configured menu, select Yes to add a RADIUS secret in the next field.
You must select Yes before you can configure the RADIUS secret. After you add the RADIUS accounting server, this field indicates whether the shared secret for this server has been configured.
5.In the Secret field, type the shared secret to use with the specified accounting server.
6.From the Accounting Mode menu, enable or disable the RADIUS accounting mode.