•Check character must be included in label data.
•Label length including check character and excluding prefix charac- ter must meet requirements imposed by the main scanner's fixed or variable label length control for this symbology type.
•Prefix must be an ASCII character '%'.
•Start stop character sets must meet the matching requirement set forth by the scanner configuration item Codabar Start Stop Character Match.
•Start stop character sets must be of the form ABCD/ABCD and must be included in the label.
•Example: '%s$99.95s' (the lower case ‘s’ at each end of the example is a placeholder for the start stop character set).
Code 128
•Prefix must be an ASCII character '#'.
•Label length excluding prefix character must meet requirements imposed by the main scanner's fixed or variable label length control for this symbology type.
•Function characters may be transmitted as a hexadecimal value 8x. Where x correlates to function characters 1 thru 4 as follows:
•x80 = function code 1
•x81 = function code 2
•x82 = function code 3
•x83 = function code 4
•For Code 128 programming labels the format is of the general form '#/82nnnnn/r '
•Example: '#Code_128.Test'.
Magellan® 9500 |