14 VIOM database
Trigger description relating to the full backup job in the quartz_ jobs.xml file
The trigger description above only belongs to the job called FullBackupJob of SQL Server. There are also trigger descriptions for the Incre- mentalBackupJob and BackupLogJob jobs.
To change the execution time for a backup job, you must open the quartz_ jobs.xml file and update the Quartz cron expression in the trigger description relating to the relevant backup job. For a description of Quartz cron expres- sions, see section "Syntax of Quartz cron expressions" on page 340. of Quartz cron expressions
This section provides a brief explanation of the Quartz cron expression syn- tax. In the context of the VIOM Backup Service, a cron expression describes when one of the database backup jobs defined for your database will execute.
A Quartz cron expression is a sequence of six to seven fields separated by a blank. The following fields are allowed:
Field | Mandatory | Values | Special characters |
Seconds | yes | 0 - 59 | , - * / |
Minutes | yes | 0 - 59 | , - * / |
Hours | yes | 0 - 23 | , - * / |
Day of Month | yes | 1 - 31 | , - * / ? L W |
340 | ServerView |