2 Virtual-IO Manager - Introduction
The details of this configuration cannot be seen via the nor- mal graphical user interface of the service manager. To see the details, you must use the command line interface of the service manager. The command sc qfailure Server- ViewVirtualIOManagerService displays the current con- figuration, where ServerViewVirtualIOManagerService is the name of the service.
•The ServerView
By default the
By default the following restart behavior is configured:
oThe first restart of the service is tried 5 seconds after unexpected ter- mination of the service.
oThe second restart is tried 30 seconds after termination of the serv- ice.
oSubsequent restarts are tried 120 seconds after termination of the service.
oThe restart counter is reset after 600 seconds.
The details of this configuration cannot be seen via the nor- mal graphical user interface of the service manager. To see the details, you must use the command line interface of the service manager. The command sc qfailure Server- ViewVirtualIOBackupService displays the current con- figuration where ServerViewVirtualIOManagerService is the name of the service.
•If the
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